Hi there! I'm starting this blog because I am very concerned about the state of queer folks, black folks, young folks, and lots of other differently-identified folks in the United States today. This is more than just academic: I have a personal interest in these matters.
I'll probably be dealing mostly with U. S. issues in this blog. I anticipate that it will mostly be my opinions and thoughts, with some definitions and links to other people's opinions and thoughts. I want it to be educational, in some capacity: I want it to be useful for all those young folks, queer folks, black folks, and different other folks who want to learn more about ways of thinking about their collective or individual situations.
Now, about the name: I am a writer. I haven't had anything widely distributed (yet), but I write, and I think that's definition enough. But the "write" is more than that: I believe that we each have the power to shape the general Future, and not just our own personal destinies. I believe that we can help make The Future better for all kinds of people, however they identify or are identified by others. More than that, I believe it is our duty as fellow humans to make it better for as many people as we can. As for the "today": The Future starts now, and it starts with you.
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